Heavy Duty (SWCZ)

Flange Diamelers(mm):680-1200
Torque Range(nm):1640000-9000000
The heavy duty SWCZ series is a specially designed cardan shaft which features special cross design along with a unique and heaavy shock application with increased reliablility.

Type C - Short flanged design,without length compensation
Type D - Long flanged design,without length compensation
Type E - Flanged shaft design,with length compensation
Hirth serration flange bolthole patterns

Type design
SWCZ 680 SWCZ 700 SWCZ 750 SWCZ 780 SWCZ 800 SWCZ 840 SWCZ 900 SWCZ 920 SWCZ 1000 SWCZ 1060 SWCZ 1100 SWCZ 1200
C L 1540 1600 1840 1920 1920 2120 2280 2280 2380 2480 2500 2720
m(kg) 3150 3450 4300 4680 5050 6400 8420 8950 10600 12100 13500 16900
D L 1940 2100 2400 2500 2500 2680 2950 2950 3130 3200 3300 3570
m(kg) 3220 3530 4500 5400 5800 7470 9980 10500 12300 14500 15800 19500
E L 3230 3460 3620 4000 4000 4250 4580 4850 4770 4950 5100 5660
LV 250 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 300
m(kg) 4880 5400 8000 8450 9070 11800 15900 16500 19900 22000 27500 34800
Tn(kN.m) 1640 1750 2250 2500 2670 3100 3800 4050 5200 6500 6900 9000
Tf(kN.m) 980 1050 1350 1500 1600 1860 2280 2430 3120 3900 4140 5400
β(°) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
D 680 700 750 780 800 840 900 920 1000 1060 1100 1200
Df 680 700 750 780 800 840 900 920 1000 1060 1100 1200
D1 635 635 695 725 745 775 835 855 915 980 1015 1100
D2(H9) 550 570 610 640 660 710 740 760 840 840 920 1000
D3 560 560 620 660 660 660 750 750 790 800 850 900
Lm 385 400 480 480 480 530 570 570 595 620 625 680
K 70 70 95 95 95 110 120 120 130 130 130 130
n 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 20 20 20 20
d 26 26 31 31 36 38 38 38 50 45 50 58
Flange bolt M24 M24 M30 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M48 M42 M48 M56

1. Notations:
L = Standard length, or compressed length for designs with Length compensation;
Lv = Length compensation;
m = Weight;
Tn = Nominal torque;
Tf = Fatigue torque, i.e. permissible torque as determined according to the fatigue strength under reversing loads;
β= Maximum deflection angle.
2. Millimeters are used as measurement units except where noted;
3. Please consult us for customizations regarding length, length compensation and flange connections.

Dear customer:
Thank you for your concern and support!

If you wish to have more information about our products and services, or have any comments or suggestions, please fill out the form after submission;or send direct mail to office@bcwxz.com,
We will give serious consideration and necessary reply.
 86-0510-85590778    86-0510-85598853
 88 West Renmin Road,Hudai Wuxi,Jiangsu Province    office@bcwxz.com
© Wuxi Driveshafts Co., Ltd.